One to One Personal Training

Your local green space or garden or front room, the choice is yours!  You know where you feel most comfortable training, which means you will work harder, with more confidence and achieve better results. 

Personal Training sessions are an investment in you, your future health and well-being, helping you smashing your fitness goals.  This is because the time is dedicated to YOU, the programme designed for YOU and the encouragement and support given, is exclusively for YOU. 

Suitable for all fitness levels and ideal for those:

  • New to exercise or returning to exercise after a break, injury or baby
  • Working from home with a tight schedule, that just doesn’t allowing for that extra time traveling to and from the gym.  The at home workout option allow you to make the most of the time you can commit to exercise each week
  • Who have specific health and fitness goals and need help achieving them.  Those that would benefit from being supported, encouraged, motivated and keep accountable every step of the way
  • Who feel they’re putting the focus and effort into their training and diet but not seeing the results they want
  • Stuck in a fitness rut, and wanting new direction and inspiration
  • Who are a little intimidated by the thought of resistance training or stepping on to the gym floor alone and dont know where to start

Personal Training sessions are available in the Nottingham area at £45 per 1 hour session.

Included in the cost: session time, programme design, weekly check ins, nutritional targets, nutritional guidance, continued support and encouragement via email or messenger.
*If the sessions are not gym based, all workout equipment (minus an exercise mat) will be supplied, unless you prefer to use your own equipment*

Have a goal - Make a plan - See results - Never look back!