6 weeks Step Up Program

In 10 days you feel it! 

Your jeans fit better, your sleep improves, your energy levels increase and you’re starting to feel in control of your movement and eating habits again. 

In 20 days you see it! 

You might catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and see physical changes.  A direct reflection of the time, effort and dedication you‘re putting in both on the gym floor and in the kitchen.  
Perhaps that cardio session, play in the park with the children or walk up the stairs felt a little less difficult and actually more enjoyable than before? 

In 30 days you hear it! 

“Hay something looks different about you… What have you changed?” says a friend.  It could be tone and definition to your arms they’ve spotted in that new top, a trimmer waste line, a glow to your skin or a skip in your step.   You’re making these lifestyle choices for you, but it sure is nice to hear a little positivity and recognition for the hard work and effort you’re putting in to help keep you motivated. 

Join the many many women that have taken back the control over their relationship with food, drink and movement. 

Who have improved their health and fitness level 

Who have helped ‘turn back the clock’ physically and mentally and have a more positive outlook to life and a ‘go get it’ attitude. 

A six week package Includes…..

A seven day food plan and detailed nutritional guidance to educate you and help you achieve those goals. To help these choices and changes to your lifestyle become instinct and routine NOT another ‘fad diet’ or quick fix.

One Gym or Home Personal Training per week  (additional sessions can be added for a premium)  

A Self Led, goal specific workout plan, tailored to you.  To be completed at home or on the gym floor, with your schedule and available time in mind. 

Weekly measurements along with ‘Before‘ and  ‘After‘ challenge photos.  To document and really see the progress you have made.

As much virtual support and encouragement as you need, to help you get the most out of the program and smash your goals. 

 The Six week package £250 * 

* Gym sessions are based at Real World Fitness, Colwick.  A membership is not required to workout with a Personal Trainer At the gym. 
** Workout sessions at home, all equipment is provided (excluding an exercise mat) 

Invest in you!